Please join us this Saturday, October 19, 2024, at the 19th Annual Taste of Soul Family Festival on Crenshaw Blvd between Stocker and Obama.
The event is the largest free one-day street festival in Southern California! The Taste of Soul Street Festival has great food vendors, live music performances, art installations, health care services, financial resources, and job and networking opportunities!
APD attorneys will be staffing the event and providing expungement services, and information about post-conviction relief.
The event will take place between 10AM-7PM. Additional information can be found at www.tasteofsoulla.com

It is with immense pride that APD congratulates Division Kelly Buck who was recently recognized as LACBA’s Defense Attorney of the year co-recipient for her pioneering work with the Rapid Diversion Program. Rapid Diversion offers a streamlined process of quickly identifying individuals whose arrests are rooted in mental health issues, removes them from jail, and connects them to services, ensuring they receive the appropriate help and support needed rather than being trapped in a vicious cycle of incarceration.
Congratulations to APD artists David Cho, Firass Halawi, and Emily Rosenfelt, whose work was selected to be part of the Inaugural LACMA LA County Wellness Art Show.

APD attorneys Vanessa Rodriguez and Vianney Moran speak to High School Students at the Boyle Heights STEM Magnet High School Career Day Fair. Vanessa and Vianney told the students what inspired them to pursue a career in public defense and answered questions about the role of a public defender
APD has partnered with the Los Angeles County Public Defender Office, the Los Angeles Superior Court, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, and Mayor Karen Bass, to create a Community Outreach Court here in Skid Row!
March 21st, 2024 was the first official Community Outreach Court held at the ReFresh Spot in Skid Row. The goal is to “lessen the burden of navigating the criminal court process and ensuring that participants have the opportunity to clear eligible bench warrants, expunge eligible convictions, resolve citations and eligible cases misdemeanor cases, and connect participants to reentry and job opportunities” (Los Angeles Superior Court).
The Community Outreach Court will be held on the third Thursday of every month at the ReFresh Spot. Please see the Los Angeles Superior Court’s Press Release for more details.

On February 23, 2024, the Alternate Public Defender’s office participated in Supervisor Janice Hahn’s Veteran’s Resource Fair in San Pedro. Deputy Alternate Public Defenders Puja Makarechi and Nagmeh Shariatmadar, along with APD’s Partners for Justice Client Advocates Daisy Flores, Dafne Gonzales and Lucy McAuliffe, provided Veterans with information on how our office can assist with criminal record clearing and SB 1209 Veteran’s re-sentencing program.
*Group photo with Supervisor Janice Hahn provided by photographer Jonathan Moore*
On September 9th 2023, at UC Davis, the Pacific Juvenile Defender Center recognized APD Attorney Angeles Zaragoza for her outstanding juvenile justice advocacy by bestowing her with the 2023 Defender of the Year Award! Angeles was honored with the award, along with co-recipient, Los Angeles County Public Defender Liz Brunstein.
Angeles has been a statewide leader in juvenile practice and has been instrumental in training and advising attorneys, paralegals and social workers on new policies and programs that more effectively serve our juvenile clients and lead to better case outcomes.
In addition to carrying her own caseload, and helping train and mentor juvenile attorneys, Angeles was appointed to a coveted spot on the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC). This body is tasked with investigating and overseeing juvenile halls.
Congratulations, Angeles, and thank you for all that you do on behalf of the juvenile justice community!

APD attorneys participate in an expungement clinic at the Earvin Magic Johnson Community Center. The event was sponsored by Supervisor Holly Mitchell and the newly formed Justice Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD). If you need help with expungement services or post-conviction resources, please reach out to your assigned public defender, or contact our office for more information.
The Mexican American Bar Association Presents:
Wednesday August 23 2023
6 P.M. - 7 P.M.
Via Zoom

On September 23rd, 2022, APD participated in the Homeboy Industries 13th Annual 5K Fundraiser Event. Homeboy Industries provides support to former gang members and previously incarcerated people through gang intervention, rehabilitation, training and employment opportunities, and their successful re-entry program. Thanks to the generosity of APD, and their friends and family members, we managed to raise over $3,800 for Homeboy Industries!
APD joins Public Defenders across the country to stand together in solidarity to avow black lives matter. Public Defender offices in Minneapolis, New Orleans, and from coast to coast, stand together with our brothers and sisters in unity.

APD collaborated with Homeless Health Care to assemble and distribute hygiene kits to those experiencing homelessness in Skid Row. APD attorney Jaymes Sanford and APD investigator Kaylin Nelson paired up with Homeless Health Care Harm Reduction Specialist Alex Carrillo and Substance Abuse Counselor Sylvia Meza to distribute hygiene kits at their ‘Center for Harm Reduction’ located at 512 East 4th St, Los Angeles, 90013.
Homeless Health Care provides a refuge for some of the most marginalized members of our society and the individuals who work there day in, and day out, are the true heroes. Their ‘Harm Reduction Center’ and ‘Refresh Spot’ are located in Skid Row and cater to hundreds of individuals every day.
APD attorney Phil Peng, and proud member of the Skid Row Running Club, team up with the San Quentin ‘1,000 Mile Running Club’ at San Quentin State Prison this past winter (Dec of 2019).