Veteran's Court


Veteran’s Court aims to divert veterans charged with both pretrial and post-conviction felonies. Participants include all justice partners and the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA). The Department of Veteran’s Affairs must complete a suitability evaluation of any veteran who seeks to avail himself of this program. Veteran clients often suffer from disorders stemming from their military service such as sexual trauma, TBI, PTSD, substance abuse, or mental health problems.
Once accepted into the program, the veteran is ordered by the judge to the supervision of the VA, which will then customize a program for each participant. Probation may last anywhere from 3 to 5 years and includes residential and outpatient programs. The client’s programming is carefully monitored and subject to progress reports in court. Veterans who successfully complete their treatment can again request that the court dismiss their cases.



The Co-Occuring Disorders Court (CODC) was created to help individuals who suffer from both chronic substance abuse and mental illness. Clients facing a non-serious felony often benefit from programs tailored to treat both conditions to prevent recidivism. Uniquely, most clients in this category also suffer from homelessness. Once screened and accepted, clients participate in a 12 to 18 month comprehensive, court-supervised treatment program. Residential and outpatient treatment services are provided by a DMH-contract Full-Service-Partnership (FSP) provider with an initial 90-day residential component. Dismissals are requested after successful completion of the program and probationary period.
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